Sunday, December 18, 2016

Tamoxifen on the course of anabolic steroids

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is needed as during a course of steroids, so for PCT. Without it you cannot build a quality course of steroids and equally important to come up with a course of steroids to maintain health and all obtained results, that is, muscle mass. This is true for the vast majority of courses of steroids.

Tamoxifen lowers the levels of female hormones, blocking their activity that allows you to build muscles or relief of your body without any side effects and harm to health. In addition, the lack of influence of estrogen enhances and speeds up obtaining of the final result. Tamoxifen on the course of anabolic steroids can suppress the appearing of gynecomastia in men.

Based on the above information, you are probably already thinking where to buy Tamoxifen for PCT. But wait there are also other properties of Tamoxifen, due to which it is one of the most popular products among the list of sports pharmacology. You can buy Tamoxifen under other brand names such as Nolvadex and other. All these drugs contain the same active ingredients. This medicine is available for purchase only in tablet form. There are no injections or suspensions.

What is Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)?

This drug is antiestrogen, it does the opposite effect of estrogens, in other words, reduces their activity to virtually zero. This property is useful both during the course and during post cycle therapy when the levels of male hormones are reduced due to the cancellation of anabolic steroids and female hormones remain at a high level.

Do not confuse Tamoxifen with taking aromatase inhibitors. Aromatase inhibitors blocks the conversion of female hormones, so that there is a decrease of hormones in body. Tamoxifen is also associated with female receptors and takes their place, resulting estrogens are unable to do their activity.

Bodybuilders and athletes is using it to block the activity of estrogen. It provides 100% protection from all kinds of side effects, such as excessive water retention, drowsiness, irritability, low libido, gynecomastia, etc.

Any normal set of steroids can not be done without a set of anti-estrogens. Tamoxifen is good for muscle mass and weight. In case you are overweight, the drug can help to lose weight faster with proper use, due to temporary blockade of female hormones.

However, the most popular application of this medication is the treatment of gynecomastia. In fairness, we note that any drugs of this format will help you only at the initial stage of treatment. It is much easier to apply them in advance to reduce the risk of side effects, including gynecomastia. If nipples hurt and itch, then taking the drug can suppress gynecomastia at the beginning.

Virtually on any post-cycle therapy, Tamoxifen is a mandatory drug. And sometimes not even only in the PCT. In the course of each week, a moderate dosage of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) will keep female hormones on normal level, so you will not encounter bad side effects. But this method requires a certain experience in the use of pharmacology.

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